Apply for housing, Housing Register and bidding for housing

What happens when bidding on a property closes

When bidding closes

If you have been assessed as qualifying for an allocation of housing, you can show your preference for properties that are advertised weekly on the My Home Central website; this is called ‘bidding’. 

Make sure your email address and phone number are current on our records before bidding closes. Bidding closes at midnight on Tuesday every week and you'll be able to see the order in which you'll be considered for the properties you have bid for.

When you'll be contacted

You will be contacted by phone or email within 72 hours of bidding closing, if you are being considered for a property.

Grand Union Housing Group will contact you if you are being considered for a property owned by the group and we'll contact you if you are being considered for a property owned by us or any other landlord. We will check that:

  • your circumstances are the same as our records
  • you are up to date with your rent
  • there are no restrictions on you living in the area
  • the property is the right size for you and your household
  • you still want the property

If you have not told us about any changes in your circumstances, or you do not reply to our calls or email within 24 hours of being contacted, you will not be further considered and will be ‘overlooked’. If your circumstances have changed, your application will be suspended until it is re-assessed.

Offer of a council tenancy

If we have offered you the tenancy of a council property we will be in contact with you to arrange for you to view the property and get ready to move in.

There will be a number of things to do and think about before you can move in. Watch our video to find out more.

When to contact us 

If you have any queries to clarify the details in a property advert, you can contact us by email or telephone.

We strongly advise you to wait until we contact you regarding the outcome of your bids, once bidding closes.

The property landlord will notify you when the property is ready to be let and will advise you about signing for the tenancy. Remember: you will need to pay the first 4 weeks' rent when you sign the tenancy agreement.

Telephone: 0300 300 8340