Our planning delivery customer charter
Our vision is to provide an efficient and customer-focused planning service that works collaboratively to deliver sustainable growth.
This means:
- offering pre-application advice to customers to help improve the quality of application submissions and reduce delay
- granting permission without delay for proposals which conform with the development plan
- discussing solutions to deliver agreed outcomes to issues which may arise for development proposals
- where possible, we will seek as much detail for proposals as possible to give greater clarity to developments and avoid the use of conditions
- helping the community to engage on “what works and doesn’t work” in the planning application process through a range of agreed customer consultation methods
- providing a proactive and responsive planning enforcement service to deal with, breaches of planning control when these are reported to us
This charter sets out what can be expected throughout your key interactions with the planning delivery processes.
The “customer standards” in this Charter have been developed to demonstrate how we will work with our customers, to achieve our team’s vision, while fulfilling the requirement in the National Planning Policy Framework's Decision-making section (paragraphs 38 to 50) to approach decision-making in a positive and proactive way to foster the delivery of sustainable development in Central Bedfordshire.
Key interactions and customer standards
Making contact
We will:
- be helpful and polite, and always treat you with courtesy and respect
- let you know who you are speaking to
- advise you in advance if we need to transfer your call or put you on hold
- keep standard acknowledgements (including out of office replies) up to date
- acknowledge receipt of emails or voicemails, within 3 working days.
- listen to your feedback, apologise if we get things wrong and do our best to put things right
- be open and honest and explain our decisions
We ask that you:
- treat our staff with courtesy and respect, and accept that we will not tolerate rude or abusive behaviour in any form of communication
- use our online service or communicate with us electronically whenever possible
- quote planning reference numbers or if this cannot be found other details that will help us identify your query quickly
Pre-application service
We will:
- encourage you to obtain pre-application advice wherever possible (www.centralbedfordshire.gov.uk/planning-application)
- confirm safe receipt, and tell you who will be dealing with your pre-application query and by when we intend to respond
- respond to pre-application inquiries at the agreed time and communication method
- advise you of what additional work we need from you to enable us to reach a positive conclusion for your proposals if it is possible to do so
We ask that you:
- read and follow the guidance we make available and let us know if anything is unclear
Submission of application (validation)
We will:
- tell you if your application is valid within 5 working days
- tell you if additional information is needed, clarifying what information we require from you, and give you 28 days to provide that information
- where possible, we will advise where you can get information to help you make your application valid (e.g. site location plan)
We ask that you:
- refer to and follow the information provided in our planning validation checklists and forms and planning validation requirements explained
Notification and consultation
We will:
- carry out consultation and publicity based on the requirements set out in the Town & Country Planning (Development Management Order 2015 (as amended) and our Statement of Community Involvement
- publish a weekly list of planning applications to view and comment on
- post a site notice near to major application sites and the sites where applications affect listed buildings, or its setting, or affects conservation areas or affects public rights-of-way, and departures to the development plan, so that the community is aware
We ask that you:
- inform us immediately, if you think we have not consulted and notified correctly for an application
Commenting on planning applications
We will:
- advise you where you can get details of planning applications, we have notified you of, and how you can comment on the application
- advise you on making comments, and issues that can or cannot be considered in reaching a decision
We ask that you:
- read the advice on how to give us your feedback
Decision making
We will:
- make decisions in accordance with the relevant legislation, considering and only giving weight to matters which are material and relevant
- advise applicants or their agreed representatives of the likely outcome and the intended mechanism of decision, whether it’s under the scheme of delegation or at committee as early as we can
- take points made, from comments submitted on planning applications, into account in reaching any decision
- make a copy of the officer’s report on any application available to view on our website within 48 hours of the decision
- aim to determine applications, within the statutory timeframes (e.g. 13 weeks for major and 8 weeks for other applications, etc). If we cannot reach a decision within the prescribed period, we will explain why and let the applicant know when a decision will be made
- occasionally discuss extending the determination period, particularly if an application requires consideration by our Development Management Committee
- encourage applicant-led community involvement before deciding all major applications that have a significant effect on the community.
- work towards the best quality of decisions and will put making the right decision first.
- explain our decision clearly in the officer report and decision notice
- make guidance available to help you understand the process and timetable to ensure cases are handled by people with the right level of experience and expertise
We ask that you:
- use the extensive planning resources available, as this is usually the fastest way to answer your queries; these are:
- interact with staff in a professional and courteous manner
- recognise that we are required to work within a statutory framework and meet government targets
- make the best use of electronic methods of communication and use our website to access guidance and reports on all aspects of our service
We will:
- investigate and action all types of alleged breaches of planning control in accordance with our published Planning Enforcement Plan (PDF)
- aim to keep all parties in the enforcement process informed of our actions and advise them of the outcomes of any investigations Enforcement Notice Register
We ask that you:
- refer to information on our website when seeking to report a breach of planning control
Equality and diversity
We will:
- support and encourage the use of services which will aid the diverse needs of our customers in accessing information and/ or services relevant to the planning process
We ask that you:
- help us to clearly identify where we can help improve the way you access our services
Post-decision matters, performance and reporting
We will:
- provide you with information about your right to appeal a planning decision
- tell you how we have been performing against this charter on an annual basis
We ask that you:
- use this website for further information on how you can provide your feedback
Other useful information
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