Planning application: what you need for a planning application

What you need when submitting your planning application

The validation process is where documents submitted as part of the planning application are checked to ensure they provide sufficient information, are accurate and scaled correctly and are accompanied by the correct fee. We require supporting documents detailed in the Planning Application validation checklists (below) which will be used in the validation of all applications. If the application is deemed valid you will be informed and it will be assigned to a case officer. If invalid, you will be contacted and additional information requested in order to make the application valid. It is important to submit a valid application to avoid unnecessary delays in the process.

If a registered application remains invalid for a period of 28 days or greater, we will retain a portion of the application fee to cover the administrative costs incurred. Every attempt will be made to contact the applicant or agent to ensure validation can be completed within the 28-day period before any charge is applied.
Charges for incomplete applications not amended in time
Please see the invalidation fee schedule below:

  • householder, advertisement and prior notification applications: £75
  • minor and similar applications: £120
  • major and similar complex applications: £250

The Planning Portal contains further information for the minimising delays at validation.

Checklists have been put together to help you make your application – please use the search box below to find the application type and relevant checklist.

There is detailed information below to help you.

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Application forms

Submit your application online through the Planning Portal. The Planning Portal will select and complete the correct form for you.

The questions asked will differ depending on the application type.

All the questions must be answered completely and correctly.

Applicant name must be included on the form if an agent is being used.

When completing the form it is important that you give a clear and accurate description about what you are seeking permission for.

Ownership certificates

View ownership reference (GOV.UK)

A certificate which applicants must complete that provides certain details about the ownership of the application site and confirms that an appropriate notice has been served on any other owners (and agricultural tenants). The forms of notice are in Schedule 2 to the Town and Country Planning (Development Management Procedure) (England) (Order) 2015.

An application is not valid, and therefore cannot be determined by the local planning authority, unless the relevant certificate has been completed. It is an offence to complete a false or misleading certificate, either knowingly or recklessly, with a maximum fine of up to £5,000.

The correct ownership certificate must be signed and dated by the applicant or agent, confirming that the information is correct.

Certificate A

Sign certificate A if the applicant is the only land owner and the site is not part of an agricultural holding

Certificate B

Sign certificate B if there are other people with an interest in the land, and these people are known, or if the site is part of an agricultural holding. You must confirm who has been served notice and when.

Sign certificate B, when the proposal would include a new dropped kerb or access across land not in the applicant’s ownership

Certificate C

Sign certificate C if there are other people with an interest in the land, or there are agricultural tenants on the site, and not all of the interested parties are known. You must confirm who has been served notice and when. You must also give details of the steps taken to find the other owners, including details of the advert published in the local paper

Certificate D

Sign certificate D if there are other people with an interest in the land, or agricultural tenants who are not known. You must give details of the steps taken to find the other owners, including details of the advert published in the local paper

Please note: Only sign one ownership certificate. If more than one ownership certificate is signed, your application cannot be processed.

Should it be established during the planning process that the wrong certificate was submitted, your application cannot be progressed and you will need to submit a fresh application with the correct certificate.


Applications have different fees; these are listed in the planning fees schedule (PDF).

It is important to submit the correct fee with your application. If the payment doesn’t accompany the application, we will be unable to proceed with validating your application until the correct fee is received.

Site Location Plan

Also known as Location Plan

View Site Location Plan reference (GOV.UK)

This is a small-scale plan that shows the application site in relation to the surrounding area.

Please include a scale bar for electronic submissions.

In order for a location plan to be accepted with a planning application, it must meet the following criteria:

  • be produced so that third parties, such as neighbours who may not be familiar with reading location plans, can understand them
  • show the direction of north
  • be an identified metric scale – the scale is normally 1:1250 or 1:2500 (for major sites, ensure you can see the site in the context of the surroundings, location plans submitted at A1/A0 scale may need to be at 1:5000)
  • be based on an up-to-date Ordnance Survey map
  • identify sufficient named roads (ensure the whole road name, e.g. High Street, can be clearly visible) and named buildings on land adjoining the development site to ensure that the exact location of the whole development site is clear
  • use a red line to outline the whole of the development site (new dropped kerbs and accesses must be included within the red line – this includes grass verges and pavements), include all land necessary to carry out the proposed development, visibility splays, landscaping, car parking and open areas around buildings
  • ensure you show the access to the site from a public highway within the red line (this must show access for building the development and post access onto the public highway)
  • use a blue line around any other land owned by the applicant and not part of the development site, close to or adjoining the application site
Site plan example

Site plan example

Block Plan

View Block Plan Reference (PDF on Planning Portal)

Also known as a Site Plan.

This is a large-scale plan view of the site. It shows details of the site and the proposal indicated in relation to neighbouring properties.

Please include a scale bar for electronic submissions.

The Block Plan must:

  • be drawn at a stated identified standard metric scale (typically 1:100, 1:200 or 1:500)
  • clearly show the proposed development (hashing or a different colour can be used to help identify the development) in relation to the site boundaries and other existing buildings on or adjoining the site
  • if a red line is included it must match the red line on the site location plan; it must be a complete red line and not cropped
  • include the following, unless they would NOT influence or be affected by the proposed development:
    • all buildings, roads and footpaths on land adjoining the site including access arrangement
    • the position of all trees on the site, and those on adjacent land
    • the extent and the type of any hard surfacing
    • the boundary treatment including walls or fencing where this is proposed

Elevation plans

Existing and proposed elevation plans

Elevations are drawings, which show the front, sides and/or rear of a building or structure.

The existing elevations will show the building or structure as it currently is.

The proposed elevations will show the changes to the building or structure.

Please include a scale bar for electronic submissions.

An elevation plan must:

  • be clearly labelled with site address and to identify whether existing or proposed elevation
  • be drawn at an identified standard metric scale
  • indicate the position of any openings, such as windows and doors
  • provide all necessary elevations, existing and proposed

Floor plans

Existing and proposed floor plans

Floor plans are scale drawings, which show the view from above, indicating the different rooms, spaces and other physical features at one level of the building.

Please include a scale bar for electronic submissions.

A floor plan must:

  • be clearly labelled with site address and to identify whether existing or proposed
  • be drawn at an identified standard metric scale
  • clearly show the changes (you can use colour to do this – show existing and proposed)
  • show any walls or existing buildings to be demolished
  • show openings, such as windows and doors
  • show the necessary floor, not just the extension (if the extension is a single front extension, rear plans or 2nd floor plans are not required unless they impact the change)

Design and access statement

View Design and access statement reference (GOV.UK)

This statement is for:

  • listed building consent applications
  • major applications, both full and outline
  • applications within a conservation area, where the new floor space would exceed 100m²
  • applications for one or more new residential dwelling within a conservation area

Statements should explain the design thinking behind the proposal, making it easier for the local planning authority, consultees and interested parties, to understand how the scheme has developed. They should also show how the proposal would be accessible for different people.

It is your responsibility to ensure that there is no private information within the statement, as this document will be published on our website as received.

What a statement should include

The level of detail required will depend on the nature of the scheme. Major schemes would usually require a much more detailed design and access statement than a householder development.

The following points provide an indication of what is likely to be required.

  • use – the purpose of the proposal
  • quality – what would be built on site
  • layout – how the site would be laid out and how the buildings and spaces on the site would relate to surrounding development
  • scale – size of the buildings and how they compare to nearby structures and space
  • landscaping – how open spaces would be used and how they would relate to the site
  • appearance – what the buildings and open spaces would look like, and what materials would be used
  • access (vehicular) – site access points, why they were chosen, and how they relate to the local area
  • access (pedestrian) – how people would be able to access and use the building
  • heritage statement – assess the heritage significance, the impact and any relevant mitigations

Use photos, drawings and maps to explain the proposal. Keep it short and simple and use plain English where possible.