Planning application: how to apply

Apply for planning permission

Planning fees increase from Wednesday 6 December 2023

View or download the latest planning fees (PDF)

Please complete and submit your planning application to us using the Planning Portal website. This is the most effective method of submission, will save you the cost of printing and postage and will help us to register applications as quickly as possible.

For help with your submission, the Planning Portal help centre can support you with completing your online application, either with a problem filling out an application or if you have a query with how to use the website. You can also call 0333 323 4589. Call 0333 323 3900 for help with fee queries.

Before submitting your application, please check you have everything you need for the application type you are submitting.

Submit your application using the Planning Portal

Some applications cannot be made using the Planning Portal

The applications listed below cannot currently be made using the Planning Portal.

Please note we will not accept emailed applications:

  • where an online Planning Portal form exists
  • if the application is sent to any other email address

Postal applications

If you are unable to make an application digitally, we can accept paper copies.

Please provide one paper copy of your application form, supporting documents (one set) and application fee (enclose a cheque) and it will be validated.

This route does not incur a submission fee but, if there is an error in the documentation, the application will not be validated or there could be a significant delay in validating your application.

There is a higher rate of invalid applications submitted by paper copies. The Planning Portal allows the fee to be paid online at the time of submission and, as the fields are completed, guidance is given on the mandatory information required.

Please consider submitting your application using the Planning Portal. This allows us to provide a quicker, more effective and paperless validation service.

The Planning Portal help centre can support you with completing your online application, either with a problem filling out an application or if you have a query with how to use the website. You can also call 0333 323 4589. Please call 0333 323 3900 for help with fee queries.

Before submitting your application, please check you have everything you need for the application type you are submitting.

Submit your application using the Planning Portal

If you still wish to proceed, forms are available from the Planning Portal form chooser.

Post your application with the correct plans, supporting documents and correct fee to:

Planning Department
Central Bedfordshire Council
Priory House
Monks Walk
SG17 5TQ

Please note: All paper applications are scanned and stored on our electronic planning system following receipt of the administration charge. No paper copies are retained.