Customer feedback

How we deal with your complaint

We always aim to provide a high standard in our provision of services. Views from members of the public using our services are important and help to ensure they are consistently meeting people’s needs.

Statutory Adult Social Care and Public Health Complaint Process

A suitable manager or officer of the service will be responsible for investigating and responding to your complaint. Wherever possible, they will discuss the handling of your complaint with you, including the timescale it is likely to take. If a discussion hasn’t taken place, then you should receive a response within 10 working days of your complaint being acknowledged. You will be informed if an extension to the timescale is needed.

If you are not satisfied with the response to your complaint, we will consider whether there is any further action needed. If we decide further action is needed, we will confirm the steps we intend to take and the timescale required.

If we are satisfied that all reasonable steps have been taken to resolve your complaint, you will be provided with a final response from someone with appropriate seniority within the service. We will confirm this in writing, and you will receive the final response within 20 working days of that confirmation. You will be informed if an extension is required.

If you are not satisfied with the outcome of your complaint, once we have issued a final response, you can refer your complaint to the Local Government and Social Care Ombudsman and ask for it to be reviewed.

Telephone: 0300 061 0614
Visit the Local Government and Social Care Ombudsman website

If you would like to see the procedure in full, you can view or download our full Customer Feedback Adult Social Care and Public Health Statutory Procedure (PDF).

Statutory Children’s Complaint Process

The complaint process has three stages.

Stage 1 is a response from an appropriate manager or officer of the service. Your stage 1 response should be issued within a maximum of 20 working days from the start date unless agreed otherwise with you. The start date is the date we received your complaint unless an advocate is required for a child or young person, or we need to seek clarification on the issues. The start date will then be the date an advocate is appointed, or the date your complaint is clear.

Stage 2 involves an independent investigation overseen by someone independent of the service complained about. A senior manager will then review the investigation and provide the stage 2 response. The response should be issued within 65 working days unless otherwise agreed.

Stage 3 is a review panel made up of independent individuals to consider recommendations for resolution. The Director of Children’s Services will review the recommendations and provide a response within 50 working days unless otherwise agreed.

If you are not satisfied with the outcome, you may refer your complaint to the Local Government and Social Care Ombudsman for further review.

Telephone: 0300 061 0614
Visit the Local Government and Social Care Ombudsman website

If you would like to see the procedure in full, you can view or download our full Customer Feedback Children’s Statutory Social Care Procedure (PDF).

Council Complaint Process

From 1 June 2024, our complaint process has been updated to align with the complaint handling code introduced by the Housing Ombudsman and the Local Government and Social Care Ombudsman. The code is designed to support organisations in responding to complaints effectively and fairly. An annual self-assessment against the complaint handling code will be completed and published.

View or download our Housing Ombudsman Complaints Self-Assessment (PDF).

The complaint process has two stages.

Stage 1 involves a response from an appropriate manager or officer of the service. This should be issued within 10 working days of the complaint being acknowledged, with a possible extension of up to 20 working days.

Stage 2 involves senior-level consideration, with a response issued within 20 working days of the escalation request. Extensions are possible, but any delay beyond 40 working days will include referral details for the ombudsman.

If your complaint relates to housing, you can contact the Housing Ombudsman.

Telephone: 0300 111 3000
Visit the Housing Ombudsman website

For all other complaints, you can contact the Local Government and Social Care Ombudsman.

Telephone: 0300 061 0614
Visit the Local Government and Social Care Ombudsman website

If you would like to see the procedure in full, you can view or download our full Customer Feedback Council Procedure (PDF).