Apply for school transport

Apply for SEND transport – children with special educational needs or disabilities (SEND)

Deadline for applications

For new school starters in September and any existing pupils who have changed school or moved house,you may apply for transport as soon as your placement and EHCP have been finalised. The deadline date for transport applications to be received was 31 March for secondary-age pupils and 19 May for primary-age pupils. For those pupils who receive their placement late in the year, please make an application as soon as you receive confirmation of your placement including your SEND officer's name within one of the free text boxes on your application.

If you would like to apply for transport for your child, please do so as soon as possible before the deadline. It may not be possible to process applications received after the deadline before the start of the autumn term.

If your child has had transport during the current academic year and hasn’t changed school or house, you don't need to re-apply. If for any reason we do need you to re-apply. If your child has reached the age of 16 by September, please contact the team who will advise if an application is required under the P16 policy terms.

How to apply

A child with special educational needs and/or disability (SEND) will be provided with travel assistance when it is identified that they are unable to safely walk the journey to and from school (accompanied where a parent/carer would normally be expected to do so) due to their SEND even if distance criteria are not met. The child is not required to have an education, health and care plan (EHCP).

Please ensure you have any supporting evidence to hand before completing the application as you won't be able to submit your application without it.

If your child has an EHCP

Apply for SEND transport

If your child doesn't have an EHCP

You'll need to complete a SEND transport assessment and include it in your application. The form will need to be confirmed by (choose one):

  • the school special educational needs coordinator (SENCo)
  • a medical consultant
  • a Child and Mental Health Service (CAMHS) staff member

You may be asked to provide updated SEND transport assessments on an annual basis, to ensure that the most appropriate travel assistance is provided.

Apply for SEND transport

Please be aware that if a student has a qualifying medical need you may be able to apply for a disabled person's bus pass from our Public Transport Team. If you are eligible for such a pass, you will be expected to use it to travel between home and college on public transport where appropriate.

View or download our SEND policy for school transport (PDF).