Parking permits - residential, visitors and market traders

Residential parking permits

Residents parking zones are designed to help ensure street parking is available for residents close to their homes. You can see which streets are covered by parking zones here.

A permit will let you park where you see residents' parking signs. If there are no free parking spaces, it does not allow you to park on a double or single yellow line, nor in an off-street car park.

Blue Badge holders are permitted to park in resident permit zones for up to 3 hours providing blue badge and clock are clearly displayed.

If you live in a residents parking zone and have a car or van with a height of no more than 2.28 meters, you will normally be able to get a resident's permit.

Permits are virtual. You no longer need to display a paper permit in your vehicle and you can apply online at the Permit Smarti website (link opens in new window).

Read our permit terms and conditions.

How to apply

Apply for your parking permit online

What you'll need to apply

You must show that you live at the eligible address and that the vehicle is yours to drive. We need copies of all documents listed below:

  • your driving licence
  • a copy of your Vehicle Registration Document (V5)
  • a photocopy of your Council Tax bill, tenancy agreement or front page of a solicitor's letter

Proof of residence must be provided before you application can be approved. We reserve the right to request further proof of residence if necessary.

If you are permitted to park a work vehicle at your home address, an authorisation letter from your work place is required to be uploaded along with the other evidence above.

If applying online, you can do this by ensuring you upload scanned or photographed documents.

Apply by post

Please note: You'll need to download and install Adobe Reader (free) to complete our PDF forms.

If you are not able to arrange your permit online, please fill out and send in the relevant form:

Application for a new residents' parking permit form

Renewal of resident's permit form

Visitor parking permit application

Return your completed form to:

Parking team
Central Bedfordshire Council
Priory House
Monks Walk
SG17 5TQ

If you cannot print off the forms, please call us 0300 300 8005 or email and we will send you them in the post.

If you need to change the vehicle on your permit you can do so through Permit Smarti (link opens in new window). You will then be able to log in to Permit Smarti and make changes to your vehicle registration number. You only need to make changes if you have changed your vehicle or have a temporary vehicle.

If you can't change your registration number

Call us on 0300 300 8005.

Charges for permits

Charges for annual residents' parking permits are as follows:

  • 1st vehicle in household: £30.10
  • 2nd vehicle in household: £91.80
  • 3rd vehicle in household: £122.40
  • book of 25 visitor permits: £32.50

We regret that once a resident permit is issued, there can be no refund.

Contact us

For any further enquiries, please email