Parking permit terms and conditions
Residents and visitor permits:
- you can only apply for a residents/visitors parking permit if you live in a property within a resident permit zone
- eligible properties can have a maximum of 3 permits
- all permits issued are non-transferable between residents and addresses
- you must inform us immediately if you cease to be a resident at the address on the permit
- vehicles must not exceed an overall height of 2.28 metres/7 feet 6 inches
- your permit will cover the zone you live in only; if there are no free parking spaces, it does not allow you to park on any other restrictions for example double or single yellow lines
- resident permits are not valid at car parks
- we will only issue a permit where all the required evidence has been supplied
- once a resident permit has been issued, there can be no refund
- visitor permits are available to residents for any short-term visitors, friends or relatives who are not permanent residents at your address
- visitor sessions are purchased and administered by the resident
- applications without the necessary proof of eligibility will be returned to the applicant without being processed
- applicants must provide evidence that they live at the eligible address and they are legitimately entitled to drive the vehicle registered for the permit
- you may be asked to provide additional proof of eligibility if necessary
Any permit we issue for the vehicle (and any subsequent issue of a permit) is conditional upon you surrendering the permit to us, should you:
- cease to be a resident within the property on my permit
- cease to own the vehicle or be the user of the vehicle by consent of the registered keeper
- receive a duplicate permit under the necessary provision
- responsibility rests with the permit holder for renewing a permit
- a renewal application can be processed up to 3 weeks before the expiry date
- if any proof documents are out of date, or incorrect you will be notified to update these immediately (if you do not meet the requirements, your permit may be cancelled)
- once a permit has expired it cannot be renewed and a new application must be processed
If you need any help or advice please contact us:
Telephone: 0300 300 8005 (lines open Monday to Thursday 8:30am until 5:30pm and Friday 8:30am until 4:30pm, except bank holidays)
Data protection
We are registered under the General Data Protection Regulation (UK GDPR) and the Data Protection Act 2018 for the purpose of processing personal data in the performance of its legitimate business. Any information held by us will be processed in compliance with the principles of the regulations. The information will be secured securely with access limited. We are under duty to protect the public funds we administer, and to this end may use the information you have provided on this form within our organisation for the collection of funds and the prevention and detection of fraud. We may also share this information with other bodies e.g. Imperial Civil Enforcement Solutions Ltd (ICES), Newlyn PLC and Equita Ltd, administering public funds solely for these purposes. If you are unhappy with your information being shared you can under certain circumstances, ask for it not to be shared or deleted. Contact for more information.