Permanent Exclusion - Independent Review
When a child is permanently excluded, and the Discipline Committee has upheld the exclusion, the parents may refer the exclusion to an Independent Review Panel within 15 days from receiving the letter from the Discipline Committee.
The letter from the Discipline Committee will explain how you can do this.
Referring to an Independent Review Panel
If you refer to an Independent Review Panel, you must set out the grounds on which the referral is being made. This may include details of any special educational needs, and how they may be relevant to the exclusion.
You can obtain help and advice from an Inclusion Officer by calling 0300 300 6924.
You can, at your own expense, appoint someone to make written or oral representations to the Panel. You can also bring a friend.
If relevant, you may wish to support the case with a report from a paediatrician or a mental health professional. This should be sent to the clerk to the Panel by no later than a week before the Panel is due to meet. If you submit new evidence under a week before the Panel is due to meet, the Review may be delayed to give all parties time to read and consider any new information.
The clerk to the Panel will also request written evidence from the school / academy and circulate this in advance