Types of exclusion and informing you
Types of suspension/exclusion and informing you
A suspension or permanent exclusion is when a headteacher decides that a child is not allowed to attend school. It may result from a series of incidents or from one very serious incident.
There are three types:
- lunchtime suspension – used when a child’s playground behaviour is considered unacceptable. Parents/carers have to take responsibility for their child during lunchtimes and return them to school at the start of the afternoon session
- suspension for a specified number of days. Suspensions can be used for a maximum of 45 days in any school year
- permanent exclusion – used only in the most serious cases when it is allowing the child to remain in school would harm the education or welfare of the child or others in the school
If a child is suspended from school they may not:
- go onto the school premises at any time during the period of suspension, including breaks and lunchtimes and after school
- use school transport
Informing the parent/guardian
You will be informed as soon as possible, usually by phone, if your child is suspended.
The headteacher must confirm by letter what sort of suspension it is, how long it is for, and the reasons for it. The letter should tell you that you have the right to make representations to the Discipline Committee of the school’s Governing Body about the decision to suspend your child.
The headteacher can suspend a child on the day an incident occurred.
Informal suspensions are illegal and should not be used. A headteacher may, however, send a child home to remedy a breach in the school’s rules on uniform or appearance.
For the first 5 days of any suspension or permanent exclusion, the child’s school should take reasonable steps to set and mark work for your child. If the suspension is for more than 5 days, the school must provide full-time, off-site education from the sixth day of the suspension. If a permanent exclusion is issued, the local authority will provide suitable full-time provision from the sixth day.