The stages of a planning application
The application process will start when all the documents that are relevant to your application type, including the fee, have been received. It will take longer for the process to start if items that are required are not provided.
Stage 1 – Submit your planning application
On receipt of a valid application your application will be logged onto our planning system if you have sent in everything that is needed your application will be made valid and we will send you an acknowledgement letter.
Stage 2 – Notification and consultation
We will then consult adjoining neighbours for householder applications and a larger group of neighbours for other application types we will also consult statutory consultees, this will depend on where your property is. This is know as statutory consultation and lasts for a period of 21 to 28 days. Specific publicity requirements depend on the application. Our Statement of Community Involvement sets out how we consult on planning applications.
Stage 3 – Determination of planning application
Your application will be passed to a case officer to determine in accordance with the Local Plan and relevant guidance unless material considerations indicate otherwise. We have 8 weeks to make a decision on minor applications and 13 weeks for major applications
Stage 4 – Decision
Planning officers usually decide smaller developments under delegated decision-making powers. Larger and more controversial developments can be decided by planning committee (Development Management Committee). This includes information regarding the function of the committee; the councillors who are part of the committee; dates for future meetings; agendas, reports and minutes. You can also watch live or recorded meetings. Our constitution sets out the scheme of delegation for decision making.
Stage 5 – Option to appeal
If planning permission is refused or granted subject to unacceptable conditions you have the right to appeal to the Secretary of State, via the Planning Inspectorate. Details of this are provided with the decision notice.
Further information
Further information on the process of making an application and guidance on how to submit an application the following links maybe useful: