Apply for a landlord licence for a house in multiple occupation (HMO)
If you are considering becoming a landlord or you own or manage an HMO it is essential to be aware that there are two types of HMO; licensable and non-licensable.
All HMOs, regardless of whether they are licensable or not, are subject to legislation about how they are managed.
Operating an HMO without the proper licence is a criminal offence and carries an unlimited fine on summary conviction. In addition, tenants will be able to claim back a year’s worth of rent from you.
Apply for an HMO licence
Watch our short video on how to apply for an HMO licence.
View or download HMO licence fees
Planning permission
If you intend to build or convert a building into a HMO, or to change a family house to a HMO, you may need to apply for planning permission.
Renew your licence
You have to renew your licence before it expires and your renewal must be in the same name as the previous licence.