Transport strategy

Local Area transport plans

Local Area Transport Plans (LATPs) were put together as part of Local Transport Plan 3 (LTP3). There were 11 LATPs which covered different areas of the authority. The LATPs provided local detail to accompany the strategic, high-level vision and objectives established in the LTP, and reflected transport issues and concerns expressed by members of the public, elected members, and town and parish councils. Each LATP included a list of schemes that were funded for the initial 3 years, and a ‘long list’ of schemes that were unfunded, some of which have been delivered in subsequent years. The scheme lists were used to formulate the annual plan and expenditure of the highways budget for each financial year.

As part of our work on LTP4 we have undertaken a review of the LATPs. This documents everything that has been delivered as part of the LATP’s since April 2011. The schemes delivered have had a positive impact on the quality of the highway network, and in some cases provided new facilities. There remain some schemes on the ‘long lists’ that haven’t been delivered. Where these are still feasible and relevant, they have been compiled into a spreadsheet that will feed into the annual plan for the next two financial years until the planned adoption of Local Transport Plan 4 in spring/summer 2024. Any remaining schemes after this will be brought forward to LTP4 and will be filtered and prioritised using the new prioritisation method that will be formulated for LTP4, to ensure that each scheme proposed adheres to the approved objectives.

View the Local Area Transport Plan 3 review.