On-street parking consultation 2022
Consultation closed: 10am on Monday 3 October 2022
Consultation opened: 10am on Friday 12 August 2022
What is the On-street Parking Management Strategy?
The On-street Parking Management Strategy sets out our approach to managing on-street parking. A well-planned and managed approach to parking can help make our towns and local communities better places to live, work and visit. We have a legal obligation to manage the road network appropriately, on-street parking is part of this. Unrestricted parking can lead to congestion, obstruction, and pollution, particularly in areas where there is a high demand for on-street parking.
The On-street Parking Management Strategy is an important document which will form part of our Local Transport Plan 4 (LTP4). The Local Transport Plan for Central Bedfordshire sets out the overarching strategy for managing transport in Central Bedfordshire. It identifies local transport priorities and sets out a framework for directing future investment.
Why is a new On-street Parking Management Strategy required?
It is a statutory requirement for all highway authorities to have a Local Transport Plan in place and is one of the ways that the government has funded local transport schemes since 2000.
The production of the On-street Parking Management Strategy is one element of a Local Transport Plan work package currently being undertaken to replace the Car Parking Strategy (2011) and the Interim Parking Management Strategy (2018).
With the policy landscape changing significantly in recent years, along with transport and travel trends being affected by rising use of technology and the COVID-19 pandemic, it is an opportune time to address these issues and ensure our decisions on transport reflect the changes. We're committed to helping tackle the climate challenge. Providing routes that are attractive and useable for pedestrians and cyclists is key to achieving this. On-street parking management is necessary so that parked vehicles do not dominate the street scene or prevent access for pedestrians and cyclists.
What does the strategy include?
We know that nationally car ownership continues to increase, with car ownership across Central Bedfordshire at higher rates than the national average. This strategy explores the reasons why the demand for on-street parking has become so high, and the effect this has on other road users. The strategy looks to give practical advice on how to consistently manage the most common issues that we face with on-street parking.
What other documents are planned that relate to parking?
There will be three documents that cover parking that form part of our Local Transport Plan. These include:
- On-street Parking Management Strategy
- Off-street Parking Management Strategy (how we manage our car parks)
- Parking Enforcement Strategy
These will be written and adopted as part of our Local Transport Plan by spring/summer 2024. Separate consultations will take place for each strategy.
The three strategy documents are supported by other policy and guidance documents which cover specific aspects of parking:
- Disabled Persons' Parking Bay Guidance (PDF)
- vehicle crossovers (dropped kerbs) (PDF)
- Electric Vehicle Charge Point Plan (PDF)
Why are we consulting on the draft On-street Parking Management Strategy?
It is a legal requirement for us to publish the draft On-street Parking Management Strategy for consultation. We think it is important for residents, businesses, and other interested parties to have the opportunity to have their say. Any feedback we receive will help us make sure our approach to managing on-street parking works effectively.
What parts of the draft strategy can’t be influenced by the consultation?
The Highway Code is a common theme throughout the On-street Parking Management Strategy. Many of the rules set out in the Highway Code are legal requirements; those that disobey the rules are committing a criminal offence. Therefore, we won’t be able to change elements of the document that reflect the Highway Code.
Areas of parking that are not covered by the On-street Parking Management Strategy may be covered in our other parking-related strategies and documents, such as off-street parking and parking enforcement. Comments received that relate to areas of parking that will be covered by other strategies, will be considered when drafting these strategies but will not directly influence the On-street Parking Management Strategy. Once the Off-street Parking Management Strategy and the Parking Enforcement Strategy are drafted, a consultation for each will take place.
Other parking-related requests
It won’t be possible to follow up on any parking-related requests that are submitted as part of the On-street Parking Management Strategy consultation, including requests for new restrictions and for enforcement of existing restrictions.
Have your say
This consultation is closed.
The On-street Parking Management Strategy was published for public consultation for six weeks.
Next steps
After the consultation ends, we will consider all the comments received and will make changes to the document where necessary. A summary of the comments received and how they’ve been taken into account will be presented to our Executive Committee, alongside the final On-street Parking Management Strategy.