Overview and Scrutiny Coordination Panel
Overview and Scrutiny Coordination Panel (OSCP)
The Overview and Scrutiny Coordination Panel (OSCP):
- manages the work programme of the Overview and Scrutiny Committees
- monitors the work of the OSCs to ensure effectiveness and consistency
- produces annual reports for Overview and Scrutiny
Social Care, Health and Housing Overview and Scrutiny Committee
Social Care, Health and Housing Overview and Scrutiny Committees aim is to help improve the quality of life in Central Bedfordshire by monitoring the work of the Social Care, Health and Housing directorate within Central Bedfordshire Council and to make recommendations about the services it provides. The Committee may also appoint Task Forces to review issues in more detail.
The services covered by this directorate include:
- Independent Living and Care Management
- Landlord Services
- Business Systems and Market Strategy
- Strategies for Health
- Housing
- Care and Inclusion
- Well-being through Prevention and Options Services
Children's Services Overview and Scrutiny Committee
Children's Services Overview and Scrutiny Committees aim is to help improve the quality of life in Central Bedfordshire by monitoring the work of the Children's Services directorate within Central Bedfordshire Council and to make recommendations about the services it provides. The Committee may also appoint Task Forces to review issues in more detail.
The services covered by this directorate include:
- Learning and School Support
- Integrated Services (i.e. Children’s Trust, Youth Support and Extended Schools)
- Children’s Specialist Services
- Policy Planning and Commissioning
Sustainable Communities Overview and Scrutiny Committee
Sustainable Communities Overview and Scrutiny Committees aim is to help improve the quality of life in Central Bedfordshire by monitoring the work of the Sustainable Communities directorate within Central Bedfordshire Council and to make recommendations about the services it provides. The Committee may also appoint Task Forces to review issues in more detail.
The services covered by this directorate include:
- Community Safety and Public Protection
- Economic Growth
- Regeneration and Tourism and Delivery
- Highways
- Strategic Planning
- Housing Strategy and Transportation
- Development Management
- Waste
Corporate Resources Overview and Scrutiny Committee
The Corporate Resources Overview and Scrutiny Committee's aim is to help improve the quality of life in Central Bedfordshire by monitoring the work of the Customer and Shared Services directorate and the Office of the Chief Executive within Central Bedfordshire Council and to make recommendations about the services they provide. The Committee may also appoint Task Forces to review issues in more detail.
The services covered specifically include:
- Financial Services including Procurement
- Revenues and Benefits
- Human Resources and Organisational Development
- Information and Communications Technology
- Legal and Democratic Services
- Property and Asset Management
- Internal Audit
- Performance and Risk
- Partnerships and Insight
- Planning and Programme Management
- Communications