Health and safety in schools

Health and safety for schools

We provide statutory health and safety advice and support for community and voluntary controlled schools, to support with the fulfilment of their legal duties. This includes:

  • general advice on health and safety matters
  • access to AssessNET, our accident/incident reporting system
  • access to the CLEAPSS advisory service
  • help with the investigation and reporting of serious incidents
  • compliance monitoring

The Health and Safety Executive's education FAQs cover accountability for health and safety management. This includes where to get advice for academies, foundation/trust, voluntary aided and free schools.

Contact us

Corporate Health and Safety Advisor: Duncan Smith
Telephone: 0300 300 5839

Corporate Health and Safety Advisor: Terry Bowers
Telephone: 0300 300 4499

Corporate Health and Safety Manager: Lee Butler
Telephone: 0300 300 6793

Email: corporatehealth&