Appeal your Council Tax bill or Council Tax band

Reasons to appeal your Council Tax bill

You can appeal against your Council Tax bill if you disagree with:

  • who we have made liable for Council Tax in your household
  • the date we have made you liable from
  • our calculation of your Council Tax
  • our decision about a discount or exemption on your Council Tax

Appeals against your Council Tax band

You can appeal against your Council Tax band if you disagree with:

  • whether a property should be separately banded for Council Tax
  • the valuation band which has been given to your property

If you’re not sure whether you can appeal, or who you should appeal to, please contact us.

Telephone: 0300 300 8306

Please quote your Council Tax account reference in all correspondence – your account reference is 8 or 9 digits long and starts with a 4, 7, or 8. You can find it on your Council Tax bill or any letter we’ve sent about your Council Tax.