Customer feedback for housing

Advice about making a complaint

A complaint is usually about poor service. It could be about something we have failed to do or something that’s gone wrong. For example, a repair not completed to an acceptable standard or a decision we have taken that isn’t in line with our policies and procedures.

If you aren’t satisfied with our service let us know as soon as you can and we will make every effort to put it right. By acting quickly, we may be able to resolve it without going through the formal complaints procedure. If that’s not possible and you do want to make a formal complaint, you can do it in a number of ways.

To help us resolve your problem, let us know as much as you can about what has happened, with names of the people you have spoken to or had correspondence with.

Who can make a complaint?

Anyone who has a tenant/landlord relationship with us – this includes people with a tenancy, lease, service agreement, licence. If you live in a property, want to make a complaint but don’t have one of these relationships with us we would need the written permission of the person who does have the relationship before we start corresponding with you.

If you hold the relationship but want someone else to complain on your behalf, for example, a friend or relative, we will need your signed permission to correspond with your representative.

If you are a homeowner or private tenant you can also make a complaint to us if you think that we are responsible.