How to register your food business
Free registration
To register your business, you'll need:
- your contact details
- type of business
- transportation and water supply
- your business contact details
- dates of opening and employment
We encourage you to only register your food business with us if you intend to trade within the next 3 months. This is because we'll need to discuss your food safety practices with you in detail.
Register your food business online for free
What happens next?
When we receive your application, we'll add your details to the register. If you don't hear from us, you can assume your registration has been accepted. Please note, the register is updated on a monthly basis.
How it works
If you want to start a food business, you need to tell us about any premises you use for storing, selling, distributing or preparing food 28 days before starting up.
If you use premises in more than one local authority area, you must register with each authority separately. If you operate a mobile food vehicle, you should register with the local authority in whose district you usually store your van overnight.
A register of addresses and the type of business carried out is open to inspection by the public at any time.
Food businesses include:
- restaurants
- hotels
- cafes
- shops selling food
- supermarkets
- staff canteens
- kitchens in offices
- warehouses storing food
- guest houses
- delivery vehicles
- ice cream vans
- mobile food vendor
- home caterer
- outside caterer
- food market trader
Appeals and complaints
To complain about our service, please write to:
The Service Manager
Public Protection
Central Bedfordshire Council
Priory House
Monks Walk
SG17 5TQ
Alternatively, you can email us: