Highways development management

Highways searches

We are the highway authority for Central Bedfordshire and hold information about the status and extent of the public highway.

The Asset Intelligence Team answer Local Land Charge queries relating to highway information and we respond to highway questions on personal searches via solicitors and public enquiries.

This includes whether a road is publicly adopted or private, the extent of a public highway and details of highway proposals/schemes. The team also maintains the public registers for Section 38 and 278 agreements.

Official Land Search information

Official land searches are conducted by the Land Charges Team. Please refer to our Local Land Charges page for more information.

Please note that although we are responsible for holding the highways information required to respond to CON29 enquiries to a local authority, we are not responsible for any responses compiled by personal search companies.

Highway searches directly to us

If you require answers to the highway-related parts of the CON29 search please request these using the forms below.

Adoption status

If you just need to know if the road the property is located on is publicly maintained and a yes or no answer will suffice, this information will be provided free of charge. We will respond within 10 working days.

Request adoption status information

Please note: For any queries beyond a yes or no response, you will need to order a highway extent plan, as per below.

How to request a highway search

If you require a plan which shows the extent of the highway, a charge of £73.40 (inc VAT) will apply. This covers a single road or junction. If a plan showing the extent of the highway is required in addition to CON29R or CON29O information, a charge of £127 (inc VAT) is payable for a single road or junction.

If your request is urgent, we can offer an expedited service on these searches where we can respond within 3 working days. The fee for this service £95.40 (inc VAT) for a highway extent plan or £164.50 (inc VAT) for the highway extent plan with the additional CON29R or CON29O information.

If your request covers more than a single road or junction, please contact highwaysearches@centralbedfordshire.gov.uk to obtain a quote.

Request a highways search request

We aim to respond to your request within 10 working days.

How to request a Section 38 or 278 Agreement

From 1 October 2023 we have taken over the supply of copies of Section 38 and Section 278 agreements for streets within Central Bedfordshire. A fee of £90.80 (inc VAT) will apply for supplying a Section 38 agreement and £62 (inc VAT) for supplying a Section 278 Agreement.

If your request is urgent, we can offer an expedited service on these searches where we can respond within 3 working days. The fee for this service is £118 (inc VAT) for a Section 38 Agreement or £80.60 (inc VAT) for a Section 278 Agreement.

Please note: Not all private streets are subject to a Section 38 or Section 278 agreement, so please only request this information if you know it exists. You must provide the street name, town, the phase and name of the development and the date of the agreement, all of which can be found on the local authority search results. If you are not sure whether an agreement exists, please use the ‘Adoption Status information’ search to ask this question.

Please note the agreement will be provided to you as a PDF copy via email within 10 working days of receipt of payment.

Request copy of a S38/278 agreement