Development proposals
Our Highways Development Management (HDM) team is responsible for informing, influencing and approving the highway aspects of development proposals through its role as a statutory consultee for planning applications. Its aim is to ensure, as far as is practicable, that suitable and safe highway measures are provided as part of planning permissions to mitigate the impact of development and to secure suitable highway measures from developers to enhance the use of the local road network for all users.
When commenting on development proposals, our HDM team may request highway related planning conditions or developer contributions to ensure that highway needs are meet. Where the development proposals are considered unacceptable in highway terms, the HDM team may request or recommend that planning permission is refused but the final decision on granting planning permission rests with the relevant planning team or our Development Management Committee which takes into account a wide range of factors when determining a planning application.
We welcome pre-application discussions on development proposals and our HDM team will provide highway advice through the relevant planning team as part of any pre-application process. Based on the information provided by developers, our HDM team will provide objective advice in good faith but without prejudice to the formal consideration of any planning application. Any advice given will normally be confirmed in writing through the relevant planning team.