How to remotely participate in a committee meeting
Subject to approval by Full Council in September, it has been agreed that several of our committee meetings will be hybrid meetings. Hybrid meetings provide greater flexibility in relation to attendance and participation, minimise travel and provide more open access to meetings. Hybrid meetings will typically only be those where the committee has no decision-making powers so is not currently possible in meetings such as Full Council, Executive or planning. Where hybrid attendance is possible it will be indicated on the agenda for that meeting.
What a hybrid meeting is
Hybrid meetings are where the committee Members must physically be in attendance, but others such as residents who wish to speak, can attend either in person or via an online link. Those joining the meeting via the link can speak and ask questions in the same way as attending the meeting. However, if you attend remotely and suffer any technological issues (whether due to equipment or on the part of the participant) that will not be allowed to disrupt the meeting, even where that means you miss your opportunity to engage in the meeting. Attending in person attendance is the most reliable way to ensure you can participate in a hybrid meeting.
How to attend a hybrid meeting
If you would like to attend a hybrid meting please request to speak at the meeting (at least 2 clear working days prior to the meeting) and we will contact you to discuss attendance. You will be invited to join the meeting prior to the start and will be able to participate in the meeting. Once you have spoken, you will be permitted to remain on the call to receive a response, if one is provided immediately, otherwise you will be asked by the Chair to leave the call and watch the remainder of the meeting on the webcast. The Clerk will remove any residents that have not voluntarily left the meeting once requested to do so by the Chair.
When attending a hybrid meeting:
- join 15 minutes before the start of the meeting
- turn off any mobile phones or other devices nearby with an in-built microphone
- ensure your background is clear of anything sensitive
- always mute your camera and microphone unless invited to speak by the Chair or if requested by a support officer.
- direct questions through the Chair and only to speak when invited to do so by the Chair
- do not share your screen at any point during the meeting
- do not use the meeting chat