The future day offer for adults with disabilities and older people

Biggleswade Day Centre for older people review

Following extensive mapping and engagement and activities with Biggleswade Day Centre service customers, we developed a proposal for a new enhanced day service.

The new model

At its meeting on 11 October 2022, the Council’s Executive approved a proposal to implement a new day centre model as an alternative to Biggleswade Day Centre and subsequently close the current centre to relocate the service to the Independent Living scheme on Sorrell Way, known as Chamomile Gardens.

Having the service move to Chamomile Gardens will have many advantages. It will enable the full range of care and support needs, a wide variety of activities provides a range of shared on-site facilities of a modern standard such as a hairdressing salon, a therapy room, assisted bathrooms and a cinema room. Chamomile Gardens offers a homelier and community-based environment, and the provision of meals and snacks will still be available.

The move to Chamomile Gardens is pending.

If you would like more information on the Day Centre review, please email