The proposed plan for Marston Vale submitted by developer, O&H
Marston Vale developer, O&H, submitted an application for outline planning permission on 25 May 2018.
The application has been accompanied by an illustrative master plan (PDF 1.2MB) , parameters plan (PDF 894.3KB) , environmental statement (PDF 3.6MB) and a number of other supporting documents. The parameters plan identifies the key land uses and facilities proposed within the development. This includes up to 5,000 new homes, including specialist residential accommodation (such as affordable housing, starter homes and homes for older people), up to 30 hectares of employment land and retail space, including a food store, a hotel and community buildings and leisure facilities, including children’s play areas and indoor sports facilities.
The proposal includes several schools, playing fields and sports pitches. Plus land for an extension to the existing Thomas Johnson Lower school in Lidlington.
There will also be a healthcare facility in the form of an Integrated Health and Care Hub, which includes space for a GP surgery.
There would be around 288 hectares of informal open space; including allotments and orchards; 127 hectares of woodland, plus a waterway connecting Brogborough and Stewartby lakes, and a cycle and pedestrian network linking the villages and for commuter access to Ridgmont Railway Station, with crossings over the waterway.
O&H has up a website and engaged with local people before submitting this planning application. You can read more on the Marston Valley website (link opens in new window).
The actual build work will be phased and not all of the homes will be built in one go. So, if granted, the development would be likely to be built over several years.
The phasing of the development will be aligned with the supporting infrastructure and community facilities.