This application for planning permission form should be used for making a detailed planning application for development including change of use excluding householder developments.
If you are you planning on installing a dropped kerb, you will need to use this form for the change of use of any amenity land or grass verge to create dropped kerb access.
Visit the Planning Portal to find out more.
- Form to be used
All applications to be submitted via the Planning Portal.
- Fee
Refer to the fee schedule to determine correct fee.
- What to include with your application
Please refer to this information to ensure that your application is submitted correctly on receipt to avoid any delays.
Detailed guidance to help you submit the correct requirements
For a full planning application for change of use, you'll need:
- correct application form including signed & dated ownership certificates and agricultural land classification
- all sections of the form must be answered
- the declaration must be signed and dated
- correct fee submitted with your application – refer to the fee schedule to determine correct fee
- ensure all plans, and documents are clearly labelled using the Planning Portal document type list
- site location plan including means of access to a public highway – required for all applications.
- If your application includes a dropped kerb, provide a photograph of any amenity land/grass verge in front of the property where the VXO will cross over
- elevation plans – existing and proposed – if required
- floor plans – existing and proposed – if required
- design and access statement - required for
- applications for one or more new residential dwelling within a conservation area
- applications within a conservation area, where the new floor space would exceed 100m²
- major applications, both full and outline
- listed building consent applications
- correct application form including signed & dated ownership certificates and agricultural land classification
- Additional information that may be needed
Our planning officer may require additional information to determine your application. To avoid any delays, please refer to our additional requirements list (PDF) and provide the necessary plans / documents for your application.
Where the works are required to assist a person with disabilities in their everyday life, evidence must be provided to support this application in the form of:
- blue badge, or
- a copy of award letter from the Department for Work and Pensions