Planning validation checklists - Applications for prior approval for permitted development rights for larger single-storey rear extensions to a house

Form to be used


What to include with your application

Refer to detailed guidance to help you submit the correct requirements

  • correct application form with the address for the developer and contact details (email if agreeing to be communicated electronically), or letter describing the proposal development including:
    • how far the enlarged part of the house extends beyond the rear wall of the original house
    • the height at the highest point of the extension
    • the height of the eaves of the enlarged part of the house
  • fee of £96.00
  • a plan clearly indicating the site location and showing the proposed development
  • the addresses of any adjoining properties (including any premises to the side/front/rear, even if they are not physically attached)
Additional information that may be needed

Where the works are required to assist a person with disabilities in their everyday life, evidence required to support this application is:

  • blue badge
  • a copy of award letter from the Department for Work and Pensions

Please be advised that if your application is invalid you will only have 5 working days to provide the necessary information to make it valid, otherwise the case will be closed.