Anti-social behaviour info for housing tenants - Neighbours arguing and shouting


We suggest you have a friendly word with your neighbour first as they may not be aware they are disturbing you.

We’ve put together some tips to help you resolve problems with neighbours in our step-by-step guide or links and information found below.

If the situation has not improved, mediation might be of help to you.

Mediation is an informal, confidential and independent service to help neighbours sort out their differences and reach an agreement.

Mediation can help you and your neighbour(s) understand each other’s point of view and reach a solution.

Contact the estate management team if you do not feel you can talk to your neighbour.

If you feel you are being harassed, call the police.

Contact our safeguarding team and / or the police on 101 if you have concerns about the welfare of an adult or child in the household.

Email address
Telephone number (s)

Concerned about a child or young person? Call 0300 300 8585 immediately

Out of hours: 0300 300 8123

Protecting vulnerable adults from harm

If you are worried that you or someone you know is in immediate danger, you should call the police on 999.

If the person you are worried about is not in immediate danger then you can report suspected abuse of an adult using our online form.

Safeguarding of Vulnerable Adults – make a report

If you would rather speak to us, or if you need any help completing the form, you can contact us:

  • 0300 300 8122 (Monday to Friday, 8:45am to 5:20pm)
  • 0300 300 8123 (outside of these hours)
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Housing tenants - anti-social behaviour advice