Dunstable Marginal Viability Grant Bid

Dunstable's Housing Infrastructure Fund improvements

We were awarded £6.2m from Homes England’s Housing Infrastructure Fund (HIF) to invest in the infrastructure required to enable more than 400 new homes in the town centre.

The homes will be built at Vernon Place, the former Magistrates Court and have now completed at Grove View as well as benefiting privately owned new developments.

Vernon Place

This site will be re-developed to offer a range of affordable homes with easy access to the town centre.

New artificial football pitch

The HIF has enabled the recent construction of a new sports pitch at Creasey Park, which has freed up the land for the Grove view site.

Grove View

In addition to bringing new affordable and accessible homes to this site, Central Bedfordshire Council has worked with Bedfordshire CCG to provide a brand-new integrated health and care hub.

Former Magistrates’ Court area

An opportunity for further private housing across the former Magistrates’ Court site and the Ambulance Station site.

High Street Improvements

The HIF will also contribute towards the High Street Improvements which are necessary to provide access to these new housing sites.