National Primary Offer Day: pupils find out where they’re going to school
Monday, 17 April 2023
Today (17 April 2023) is National Primary Offer Day, when families find out which lower, primary or middle school their child will go to in September.
Over 3,300 pupils applied for a lower or primary school place for September 2023 and 93% were offered their first choice – a slight decrease from 2022 when 94% were offered their first choice.
3.6% got their second preference, 0.8% achieved their third preference and the remaining 2.4% have been allocated an alternative school which has places available.
For middle school places, we received over 2,000 applications and 93.5% were offered their first choice. This is an increase from 93% in 2022.
2% got their second preference, 0.1% achieved their third preference and the remaining 2% have been allocated an alternative school which has places available.
In total, 5,486 children applied for lower, primary and middle school places.
Almost 97% of applications this year were submitted online.
Anyone wishing to decline or change their offered place can do so by submitting a change of preference form (PDF). The deadline for this is 2 May 2023 with new offers going out on 23 May 2023 (middle school) and 1 June 2023 (starting school).