Home improvements

Means-testing - test of resources

We provide a range of grants and other financial assistance to enable the repair and adaptation of homes within Central Bedfordshire. Each form of financial assistance has eligibility criteria and in the case of some such as Home Improvement Assistance a Test of Resources is carried out to determine what contribution towards the cost of works the applicant would be expected to make before assistance (if any) was provided.

Applicants can get an approximate idea of the level of contribution they would be expected to make by downloading and completing the PDF Preliminary Means Test (PMT) form and emailing it to psh@centralbedfordshire.gov.uk.

Upon receiving completed PMT forms, a calculation will be carried out and the sender notified of how much (if any) contribution they would be expected to make. 

Loan assistance may also be available to landlords to enable them to raise the standard of their rented properties above the legal minimum, and for bringing empty properties into use. In such cases rather than carrying out a Test of Resources the amount of financial assistance would be based on a percentage of the cost of eligible works.