Applying for a school on religious / faith grounds

Church of England Schools with religious criteria

The following Church of England schools have priority for religious criteria as part of their admissions policy:

Lower schools / academies

  • Clifton All Saints Academy
  • John Donne Church of England Primary School
  • Meppershall Church of England Academy
  • Northill Lower
  • Pulford Lower
  • St. Andrew's Lower (both East and West)
  • St. Leonard's Lower
  • St. Mary's Church of England Academy
  • St. Mary's Lower (Clophill)
  • Sutton Lower
  • Wrestlingworth Lower

Primary schools

  • Ashton St. Peter's Primary
  • Thomas Whitehead Church of England Academy

Middle schools / academies

  • Holywell Middle

Secondary school

  • Edward Peake C of E (VC) School
  • Henlow Church of England Academy
  • Manshead Church of England Academy

For details of their admissions criteria read our Admissions in Central Bedfordshire booklet (PDF) or visit the school's website.

If you want to apply for any of these schools on religious or faith grounds you need to ask your priest, minister or faith leader to complete the CofE Confirmation of Religious Affiliation (PDF) form and return it to us.