Implementation and delivery – Arts and Culture Strategy 2024 to 2029 consultation
Consultation closed: 21 July 2024
Consultation opened: 29 April 2024
This strategy is aligned with our 2050 Vision and serves as a blueprint for the future, linking key themes and objectives with strategic priorities. It outlines a clear approach for the next five years, shaping arts and culture services to meet local demands.
Following our adoption of the strategy, the Culture Hub will formally endorse it. The Culture Hub will then lead on the development of an action plan which will be added to the strategy. This plan will contain a range of actions, delivered by different partners, that will help to create a thriving cultural sector. These will link up with our relevant services and strategies to ensure a joined-up and consistent approach. The action plan will be formally reviewed and updated annually by the Culture Hub, with our oversight.
This collaborative approach, with shared responsibilities and oversight, will ensure buy-in from key stakeholders and ensure the strategy remains aligned with the evolving needs and aspirations of the diverse Central Bedfordshire community.
We will champion the strategy and continue to help shape cultural provision both within its services and within the sector as a whole. The Culture Hub will continue to look at how it can support the implementation of the strategy and look at ways to strengthen its role within the cultural sector.