Arts and Culture Strategy 2024 to 2029 consultation

Key priorities and objectives – Arts and Culture Strategy 2024 to 2029 consultation

Consultation closed: 21 July 2024
Consultation opened: 29 April 2024

Four key priorities, which have been developed from the themes that emerged through research and consultation (explained in more detail within the strategy), provide a structure for a strategic arts and culture framework for Central Bedfordshire. These priorities will underpin our objectives and drive arts and culture activity in Central Bedfordshire over the next 5 years.

Priority 1: Place – Encouraging a sense of pride in place

Aim: Celebrate and enrich the beauty, character, history and heritage of Central Bedfordshire through art and culture, fostering a sense of pride and belonging among residents.

Priority 2: Community – Nurturing wellbeing and inclusivity

Aim: Cultivate a vibrant offer that promotes the well-being of residents, nurtures strong communities, brings communities together and ensures that everyone feels included.

Priority 3: Economy – Creating a thriving arts and culture sector

Aim: Support the development and growth of the arts and culture sector in Central Bedfordshire which research shows has a positive impact on local economies.

Priority 4: Education – Providing learning opportunities and nurturing talent

Aim: Develop lifelong art and culture learning opportunities and experiences to improve educational outcomes, increase skills, and nurture creative talent.


A number of key objectives have been identified for each key priority. These objectives will provide direction, allowing partners to work together to develop the arts and cultural sector in Central Bedfordshire, create a thriving hub of artistic excellence and provide opportunities for people to experience and benefit from arts and cultural activity.


Objective 1: Public art 

Aim – Enhance Central Bedfordshire with art, creating a more beautiful and vibrant environment and increasing people’s sense of place.

Objective 2: Leverage investment

Aim – Leverage investment in arts and cultural activity to increase the range and accessibility of provision, and support infrastructure improvements.

Objective 3: Culture Grant Scheme

Aim – Deliver and evaluate the benefits of a grant scheme to fund local cultural projects using UKSPF and other potential government-funding.


Objective 4: Health and wellbeing

Aim – Provide arts and cultural activities that address health inequalities, contribute to wellbeing, and reduce social isolation.

Objective 5: Engagement

Aim – Provide opportunities for people to come together and share experiences to help build strong and connected communities.

Objective 6: Equality, Diversity and Inclusivity

Aim – Provide targeted activity to provide opportunities for people who would not usually participate and improve the accessibility of facilities and activities.


Objective 7: Sustainability

Aim – Support initiatives that improve environmental sustainability within venues and the wider sector, and raise awareness of sustainable living and climate change with audiences.

Objective 8: Creative businesses

Aim – Support creative businesses to grow, thrive and develop resilience.

Objective 9: Venues and spaces

Aim – Maximise the use of traditional and non-traditional venues and spaces to provide arts and cultural activity and look at opportunities to improve arts venues.


Objective 10: Early Years, SEND and schools

Aim – Provide arts and culture learning opportunities and experiences (including Arts Award) to encourage participation, nurture creativity and improve academic outcomes.

Objective 11: Talent development

Aim – Support and cultivate all local artistic talent and identify opportunities to support under-represented groups.

Objective 12: Lifelong education

Aim – Enable people of all ages to be engaged with skills and learning through arts and culture.