The options we have considered for Townsend Day Centre
We have considered the following options for the future of Townsend Day Centre:
- do nothing – continue to run Townsend Day Centre in its present form
- refurbish Townsend Day Centre so it meets modern standards
- create a new centre for people attending Townsend Day Centre within the new Houghton Regis Community and Leisure Centre and close Townsend Day Centre
- move the people current accessing the Townsend Day Centre to other Central Bedfordshire Council Day Centres and close Townsend Day Centre
- commission an independent service and close Townsend Day Centre
These options are set out in more detail in the document ‘Options considered for the future of Townsend Day Centre’.
Doing nothing would:
- not improve quality of facilities or services
- be less disruptive for existing people
- not provide value for money
- not meet key components and principles
Refurbishing the current centre would:
- improve facilities or services
- be more disruptive for existing people
- not provide value for money
- meet key components and principles
Moving services to the new Houghton Regis Community and Leisure Centre would:
- improve quality of facilities or services
- be less disruptive for existing people
- provide value for money
- meet key components and principles
Moving the people we support to other Central Bedfordshire Council day centres:
- improve quality of facilities or services
- be more disruptive for existing people
- provide value for money
- not meet key components and principles
We do not know if commissioning a new provider would:
- improve quality of facilities or services
- be less disruptive for existing people
- provide value for money
- meet key components and principles