What we're consulting on – Houghton Regis Day Centre for Older People
Consultation closed: Monday, 6 November 2023
Consultation opened: Monday, 14 August 2023
We want the best possible quality of life for all our residents and are committed to developing and enhancing day services for older people and adults with disabilities. We own and operate 7 day services, 4 of which are for older people and the remaining three for adults with disabilities.
In early 2016, we began the process of developing the future day offer for older people and adults with disabilities. This is a two-stage process and stage one involved agreeing key components and principles which was a joint vision between us and those who use the service to outline what the future day offer should deliver.
Stage one of this project is now complete, and we are now at stage two which involves looking at each of the services individually. We are in the process of reviewing Houghton Regis Day Centre for Older People. We believe we can offer better opportunities to Houghton Regis Day Centre customers and are therefore consulting on the future of the day centre.
Having looked at several options for the future of the day centre, our preferred option at this time is to relocate the current service for existing customers to a community space at All Saints View, the new Independent Living Scheme in Houghton Regis. We would then close Houghton Regis Day Centre.