Housing Asset Management Strategy consultation 2023 to 2028

Have your say – Housing Asset Management Strategy consultation

Consultation closed: Tuesday 25 April 2023
Consultation opened: Wednesday 1 February 2023

This consultation is now closed.

We sought the views of all residents across Central Bedfordshire, to give feedback on our draft Housing Management Strategy and our key priorities listed here.

What happens next?

This strategy is prepared in consultation with residents of Central Bedfordshire and councillors to make sure stakeholder priorities are properly considered and there is public participation in the democratic process.

Feedback gained directly from the consultation will be collated and presented to our Social Care, Health and Housing Overview and Scrutiny Committee where changes to the draft strategy will be considered.

A proposed final version of the Housing Asset Management Strategy will then be presented to a future meeting of our Executive Commitee for adoption, which is likely to take place in late summer 2023. Once adopted, we will progress the priorities set out in the strategy.

Our Head of Housing Property has overall responsibility for the ongoing development of this strategy, to be reviewed annually during the budget-setting process. Any alterations that may be required for operational reasons will be agreed by the Head of Housing Property, substantial changes will not be authorised without appropriate tenant involvement and our consideration.

For more information about this strategy, please email consultations@centralbedfordshire.gov.uk.