Consultation: School admission arrangements for 2024 to 2025

About the consultation – school admission arrangements for 2024 to 2025

Consultation closed: Tuesday 31 January 2023
Consultation opened: Tuesday 20 December 2022

We're responsible for school admission arrangements for all of the community and voluntary-controlled schools in the area.

Where changes are proposed to admission arrangements, the law states that the body responsible for admissions must publicly consult on the changes.

This year, we proposed a change to the admission arrangements for Leedon Lower School, Clipstone Brook Lower School and Thornhill Primary School. We publicly consulted on this proposal and, if approved, the changes will come into effect for the 2024/25 school year.

No other changes were proposed for community and voluntary controlled schools in the area.


We have a statutory duty to ensure that admissions are coordinated within Central Bedfordshire for all children being admitted at the start of an academic year and to ensure that only one offer of a school place is made.

There are currently 132 mainstream schools within Central Bedfordshire made up of 101 primary/lower schools, 14 middle schools, 4 extended secondary schools, 13 secondary/upper schools. In addition, there is 1 alternative provision free school, 4 special schools and 2 nursery schools.

Of the mainstream schools (lower/primary, middle, secondary and upper), many different types of schools exist. The types of schools are:

  • academy  
  • community  
  • foundation  
  • trust  
  • voluntary aided  
  • voluntary-controlled  

What types of schools do we oversee the admissions for?

We're the admissions authority for community and voluntary-controlled schools.  

Community controlled, which are sometimes called local-authority-maintained schools, are not influenced by business or religious groups and follow the national curriculum.

Voluntary-controlled schools are funded by us, but have more freedom to change the way they do things – sometimes they are supported by representatives from religious groups.

What types of schools do we not oversee the admissions for? 

Academies, foundation, trust and voluntary-aided schools are responsible for admissions to their school, which includes setting the published admissions number and admissions criteria for the school.