Children previously in care (CPiC)

A Previously Looked After Child (CPiC) is a child who is no longer looked after by the local authority because they are subject to an Adoption Order (AO), a Special Guardianship Order (SGO), or a Child Arrangement Order (CAO). This does not include children who have been ‘looked after’ and have returned to the care of their parents.

Virtual School’s role for children previously in care is to promote their educational achievement through the provision of advice and information to parents/guardians, schools and settings, and other local authority teams such as Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) and Adoption Connects.

Contact us

For general signposting you can contact our administrator.

Telephone: 0300 300 6977

For advice about the education of an individual child or young person please complete this form so our Advisory Teachers can contact you to support.

Virtual School advice request

Note: For children in care please contact the child’s allocated Education Advisor directly.