Consultation: Draft School Organisation Plan 2025 to 2030

About the consultation – draft School Organisation Plan 2025 to 2030

Consultation closes: Sunday 10 November 2024
Consultation opened: Monday 23 September 2024

We're responsible for making sure that there are enough school places for every child in Central Bedfordshire. This is a statutory duty.

We do this by securing and delivering the investment required to ensure choice and diversity in providing sufficient high-quality school places.

Our School Organisation Plan is updated on an annual basis to forecast what school places we need. This is because it is informed by population data, which changes all the time

But, to determine what future school provision looks like, decisions about mainstream school places are made in line with some key principles. We want your views on these principles that will help inform the School Organisation Plan for the next five years, from 2025 to 2030.

The plan will also be used as an evidence base for discussion on future education provision within new housing developments.

We also acknowledge that we have other programmes which influence how we provide school places, including the Three-Tier-to-Two-Tier Programme, which aims to change lower, middle and upper schools into primary and secondary schools. We also have a separate Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) School Place Programme to provide specialist places for children and young people who need them. And while early years, post-16 and other forms of education provision are not within the scope of this plan, they are considered when making decisions about investment.