Previous member allowances for Central Bedfordshire Council

Previous Member allowances for Central Bedfordshire Council (to financial year 2023 to 2024)

In accordance with the Local Authorities (Members Allowances) (England) Regulations 2003, the council is required to publish details of any basic and special responsibility allowances paid to Councillors for the previous financial year, along with details of the allowances scheme which applied at that time. This statutory notice also includes details of subsistence, travel and carer's allowance. Councillors who take on extra roles are also entitled to a special responsibility allowance (SRA). These payments are set out in detail in the Council’s Constitution at Part 6A - Scheme of Members Allowances.

Check member allowances since 2009:

This allowances scheme and the levels of allowances paid are reviewed by the Independent Remuneration Panel, who report to Full Council periodically.