Flooding updates

Page updated: Monday, 7 October at 1pm

The Met Office reports that Bedfordshire has seen its wettest September since records began in 1836, much of that over the last 10 days of the month – in some places we had two months of rainfall in 24 hours.

Although the rain has eased, and most of the flooding has passed, water levels remain very high.

If you have been affected by flooding, you may find our information on what to do after flooding helpful.

Stay up to date

If you haven’t already done so, you should:

Let us know if you have been flooded

So that we have all the information about residents who experienced flooding, please let us know if you, or someone you know, have been flooded. Email us as much detail as you can at floodrisk@centralbedfordshire.gov.uk. If you cannot email, call 0300 300 8500.

The Environment Agency is also collecting information to assist in planning future flood management. Please complete the Environment Agency Survey.

Vulnerable residents

If you or someone you know is vulnerable and needs assistance, contact our emergency helpline number 0300 300 8500. Please note, this is not to request sandbags or aquasacs.

Sandbags and flood prevention products

We don’t recommend sandbags and cannot provide these to individual residents. We do recommend other easier to use Flood Defence Products for example water activated flood barriers, which can be bought online fairly easily.

Find out more about protecting your property on the National Flood Forum.

If you do want sandbags, these can usually be obtained from local builders’ merchants or online, filled or empty, and you can store your own sand to fill when needed.

What to do in a flood

  • what to do in a flood information is available on our website
  • if the flood is posing a danger to life or injury, contact The Fire and Rescue Service on 999

Leaving your property

If you choose not to leave your property:

  • turn off gas, water, and electricity
  • collect personal belongings together, including insurance and bank details and essential telephone numbers, and keep them in a waterproof bag
  • move valuables and sentimental items upstairs or to a high place downstairs
  • keep a separate list of useful telephone numbers (this should include insurance company and Floodline - 0345 988 1188)
  • if possible, move electrical equipment and furniture upstairs
  • any furniture you cannot move upstairs, try to raise well off the floor
  • alert neighbors and assist the elderly, infirm, and those with small children
  • block doorways, low windows, and air bricks
  • if you leave your home, avoid walking and driving through floodwater; there could be hidden hazards
  • keep up to date via Floodline - 0345 988 1188; information will also be shared with local media

Assistance centres

  • there are no assistance centres open currently
  • our leisure centres can be used as a place for residents to go during opening hours

Problems on the roads

Roads across the area are likely to have excess water on them, and some flooding is possible. You can report and track non-urgent highways and environment problems online through FixMyStreet.

Report a problem on the road or pavement

You can also use the FixMyStreet app to report and track issues:

In an emergency, urgent highways issues can be reported to our 24-hour emergency team on 0300 300 8049.

Do not attempt to drive, cycle, or walk through flood water - it can be deeper than it looks. If you are driving through heavy rain, turn your headlights on and leave twice as much space between you and the car in front - it takes longer to stop in the wet.

We are experiencing a high number of customer requests due to recent flooding. Our team is prioritizing these, with life-threatening situations taking top priority. We appreciate your patience as we work through these requests.

Schools and school transport

Headteachers will decide whether their school can open based on their circumstances. They will inform parents and guardians about closures through their usual communication channels. Headteachers are also asked to update our school closure system after parents and guardians have been notified.

View school closures

Check the latest news on school transport.

Read our latest update


If you have been made homeless due to flooding, you can call 0300 300 4370 for advice. In some cases, if you are homeless due to flooding with no other options, such as friends or family, we may be able to offer temporary accommodation. If you are privately renting, we advise speaking to your landlord first, who may have insurance in place. If you are a council tenant, please contact your housing manager. Homeowners should speak to their insurance companies first.

Volunteer in an emergency

During any emergency, including flooding, volunteers can make a significant difference in helping to prepare a community and respond during a crisis.

Read more about how to get involved in emergency volunteering or join your local Community Emergency Response Team (CERT).