Being healthy and knowing how to access support: Local Offer for care leavers

Being healthy and knowing how to access support with our care leavers local offer

The health and wellbeing of young people matter to us. This doesn’t just mean exercising and eating vegetables (although this is an important part of staying healthy), it also covers mental wellbeing, how young people manage emotions, good sexual health and signposting on where to go for support if young people are struggling.

There are different services available to care leavers in Central Bedfordshire, some are provided through the leaving care team and others are accessed through GPs.

The health passport is a universal offer to all looked after children around their 18th birthday. This ensures that young people have as much information about their health and treatment history as possible and promotes continuity of care for young people into adulthood. The health passport also includes helpful information which signposts care leavers in relation to local health services and national support networks and helplines.

  • health passport – is available in printed form at present with a plan to make it accessible online
  • access to health leisure activities – free swimming and support with gym membership
  • leaving care personal advisers support young people accessing emotional support and can arrange
  • support with sexual health and contraception

All children and young people in care are required have a health assessment once a year, up until their 18th birthday. This is to ensure that young people are getting all the health care that they need. It is also a chance for young people to ask questions around their health or to talk about any health worries they might have.

We have a LAC nurse who specifically sees young people about to leave care and can offer support up to the age of 25. The nurse is able to talk about all areas of a young person's health, including sexual health, smoking and the use of any substances.

Young people leaving care are also provided with a health passport which includes details of immunisation history, dental history and other medical appointments.