Directory of schools in Central Bedfordshire - Stratton Upper School - Biggleswade

Upcoming changes to this school

From September 2024 this school will become Stratton School; a secondary school providing school places for year 7 to year 11. For year 7, the PAN (published admission number) will be 180.

Changes for this school
New PAN New year group range School type and number of places
180 Year 7 to year 11 Secondary



Stratton Upper School - Biggleswade

Type of school

Upper School - Academy

Eagle Farm Road



SG18 8JB


01767 220000

Email address

01767 220002


Sam Farmer

Age range

13 to 18

Ofsted inspection
Published admission numbers (places available)

Year 9: 330

Designated measuring point

Front doors

Oversubscription criteria

Oversubscription criteria:

  • all 'looked after' children or children that were previously 'looked after', including children who appear to have been in state care outside of England and ceased to be in state care as a result of being adopted (see definition below)
  • children with a sibling continuing at the school at the time of admission of the child
  • children who live in the catchment area of and attend either Biggleswade Academy or Potton Primary and Lower Schools
  • children who live outside of the catchment area of and attend either Biggleswade Academy or Potton Primary and Lower School
  • any Other children

Definition of 'children who appear to have been in state care outside of England'

Children who appear to have been in state care outside of England and ceased to be in state care as a result of being adopted.

A child is regarded as having been in state care in a place outside of England if they were accommodated by a public authority, a religious organisation or any other provider of care whose sole purpose if to benefit society.

Definition of staff

The staff member must be employed at the and in post for two or more years at the time of the application or was recruited to fill a vacant post where there was a demonstrable skill shortage.

Definition of 'very exceptional' medical grounds

‘Very exceptional’ medical grounds refers to cases where there are exceptional medical reasons which make it essential that a child should attend a particular school and where the preferred school is the only school locally that could meet the child’s needs. A medical report from the child’s doctor or consultant must be submitted with the application form, setting out valid medical reasons why it is essential for the child to be admitted to the school in question and the difficulties that would be caused if the child had to attend another school. The governors reserve the right to seek further information to determine whether it is essential for a child to be admitted to the preferred school on medical grounds. Admission on medical grounds cannot be considered where the medical condition relates to that of a parent/carer, brother or sister or another relative/childminder.

Allocation statistics
Allocation statistics
Published admission number (PAN) Requests Places offered Last place offered
330 165 165 At the time of the initial allocation in March 2023, all applicants were offered a place.
In-year admissions

Information for in-year admission during academic year September 2023 to July 2024

Admission number per year group: Year 9, 330, Year 10, 213 and Year 11, 205

Oversubscription criteria: As above

Find out how to apply for in-year school admission

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