A to Z of recycling - Coffee pods


Coffee pods and capsules are often contaminated with food waste and are too small to be recycled along with your dry recycling collections. Please do not put any coffee pods or capsules in your brown food waste bin or dry recycling bin. 

Instead, use our kerbside collection scheme; Podback

  • Sign Up: Create a free Podback account and order your recycling bags. Allow 7 to 10 working days for delivery
  • Fill Up and Set Out: Fill the bags and place them on top of your kerbside waste or recycling bin by 7 am on your regular collection day
  • Recycle: Our bin crews will collect them for Podback to recycle
  • Easy re-ordering: Running low on bags? Simply log into your Podback account and reorder at your convenience

If your pods can not be recycled through the podback scheme, some can be recycled through terracycle’s recycling scheme. Terracycle is an external company, not affiliated with us, that collect items from dedicated recycling points. To find your nearest collection point, please visit the Terracycle website.