Parking fines - paying parking fines and appealing parking fines

Final parking fines appeal - Independent Parking Adjudicator

If you've had both an informal appeal against a parking fine (Penalty Charge Notice - PCN) and a subsequent formal appeal, you can have your claim assessed by the Traffic Penalty Tribunal, which is made up of individually appointed independent adjudicators, who are not employed by us.

How to refer to the Traffic Penalty Tribunal

Details on how to refer to the Traffic Penalty Tribunal will be included in your notice of rejections letter. We'll send you this after we've rejected your appeal.

When you can appeal to the tribunal

The tribunal must receive your completed form within 28 days. This deadline starts from 2 working days after the date on your notice of rejection letter. If you don't appeal to the tribunal within this time, you won't be able to challenge the penalty again.

Appeals are free

An appeal is free, so there's no fee to pay.

Evidence might help

You do not have to produce evidence, but may do so if you think it will help your appeal. Evidence might include photographs, pay and display tickets, maps, plans, delivery notes, letters or statements from witnesses.

Where to send your appeal

Send the traffic penalty tribunal appeal form to the address below (not to us):

Traffic Penalty Tribunal
Springfield House
Water Lane

Telephone: 01625 445555
Fax: 01625 445560