Brewers Hill Road Dunstable development

The Brewers Hill Road study area comprises the former Dunstable Gas Works sites, the former Dunstable Fire Station, the Council’s Highway Depot and car parking area and the remaining undeveloped part of the former Trico site.

The Brewers Hill Road sites currently separating housing from the town creating a sense of distance between the edge of the town and the town centre. It also gives the area a grey, industrial character, despite its close proximity to open countryside.

Planning for the future

The planning and development brief will:

  • take into consideration site constraints, in particular the different land ownerships and contamination issues
  • make clear proposals for appropriate land uses and suitable locations for these uses
  • provide an element of flexibility to accommodate changing economic circumstances and potential changes in land uses
  • consult with the local community

The public consultation took place in January and February 2012, and included public exhibitions in Dunstable Fire Station and Dunstable Library.

Developing a masterplan

Central Bedfordshire Council was awarded Growth Area Funding (GAF) to undertake this work and commissioned Atkins (link opens in new window) to undertake planning and development brief for the sites.

The Final Planning and Development Brief was endorsed by Central Bedfordshire Council's Executive on 15th May 2012 as interim technical guidance for development management purposes.

Moving forwards

A major new enterprise centre, run by Central Bedfordshire College, has been completed as the start of the redevelopment. The Incuba Centre has a clear focus on supporting the green economy and providing a renewable energy demonstration and training facility, as well as a new incubator facility with offices and support for associated companies.

Contact us

Telephone: 0300 300 8307
