Central Bedfordshire Council news and press releases

Community Safety survey launched for young people

Wednesday, 16 August 2023

We're asking individuals between 11 and 18 years old to take part in our youth survey.

Designed with the input of young people, the survey will help us understand how young people feel about safety in their local area and identify the issues they believe need attention.

The survey is an offshoot of the annual Safer Central Survey, where residents can give feedback on issues like fly tipping and anti-social behaviour. We recognise the importance of gathering feedback from a younger demographic, who may have slightly different concerns and priorities, which was why a separate survey was designed.

The results from the survey will help inform our community safety priorities. The survey was shared with schools in Central Bedfordshire before they broke up for the summer holidays, and features information about local support services specifically for young people.

Councillor Rebecca Hares, our Executive Member for Community Services, said:

Understanding what is important to our young people really matters, we need to see their perspective of concerns, ideas for their future and safety in their local area. By gaining this alternative perspective of our communities we can better understand what young people in Central Bedfordshire need.

If you're a parent or take care of someone between 11 and 18 years old, please encourage them to do the survey. It won't take long, just a few minutes, and will allow them to have input into improving their local community to their benefit.


Complete the survey