Central Bedfordshire Council news and press releases

Firework season sparks retailer checks to ensure public safety

Tuesday, 10 October 2023

Prior to celebrating Firework Night, our Trading Standards team will conduct visits to firework retailers across the region. Their aim is to prevent dangerous fireworks being sold to the public.

An organised fireworks display over Stotfold Football Club and Pix Brook Academy, in November 2022.

Our officers will be inspecting retailers' premises to verify that fireworks are stored in a safe and secure manner, away from potential ignition sources and moisture. Additionally, a series of other checks will be conducted to ensure retailers are acting responsibly and adhering to legal requirements, this includes scrutinising licenses and safety standards.

Suppliers will be encouraged to stock quieter fireworks to help minimise disruption and officers will be working to ensure the current rules around the purchase and setting off of fireworks is enforced across the area.

Retailers will be reminded of the age restrictions that apply to the sale of fireworks: those under the age of 18 are not allowed to buy fireworks or handle them in a public place. Officers will be reminding retailers on the harsh penalties if they do sell to those under the age of 18, including a possible criminal conviction.

Residents are reminded to check the reliability of your fireworks supplier, always check for the CE marking. Fireworks purchased from sources lacking this marking may be defective and may not meet the safety standards required in the UK. Such fireworks could pose a significant risk of injury to you and your family. Find out more about fireworks safety.

We'd also like to remind the public that public displays held on council-owned property need to be advertised in advance to enable residents and businesses to take necessary precautions. All large-scale events on council-owned land need to be arranged with the our Safety Advisory Group, which work in partnership with emergency and other services to support safety at events.

It is an offence to cast or light any firework from a private property into a public space, such as a street or park, or to let fireworks off between the hours of 11pm and 7am, except on Bonfire Night from 7am to midnight and on Diwali, New Year and Chinese New Year from 7am to 1am.

Fireworks are often used throughout the year to mark different events, and while they can bring much enjoyment, for some they can be extremely traumatic, especially for vulnerable people, pets, livestock, and other wildlife. Residents with concerns for their pets or livestock are advised to speak with their vet or visit the Blue Cross and the RSPCA which have plenty of tips on making fireworks less frightening for animals.

Call 0300 300 8302 or email trading.standards@centralbedfordshire.gov.uk to report an incident or raise a complaint.