When the local authority must be informed of a pupil's absence
The term ‘school’ includes those that are maintained by the local authority, academies, free schools, independent schools and providers of alternative education.
What every school needs to do when a pupil hasn’t attended continuously for either 10 school days when an absence is unauthorised or 15 school days or more if the absences are either authorised or unauthorised.
Section 19 of the Education Act 1996 places a duty on local authorities to make suitable alternative education for children of statutory school age who cannot attend school because of illness, exclusion or any other reason (otherwise).
Within our organisation, the provision of education for permanently excluded pupils is provided by the Academy of Central Bedfordshire for secondary-age pupils and Jigsaw for primary-age pupils.
Our Medical Needs Education Team provides teaching and support for children and young people of statutory school age and who are on the roll of a school, who due to illness require suitable alternative arrangements for their education whilst unwell.
See also
Schools have a legal responsibility under Regulation 12 of the ‘Education (Pupil Registration) (England) Regulations 2006’ (link above) to make us aware when a pupil has been absent for 10 or more continuous sessions of unauthorised absence.
Section 19 of the Education Act 1996 also requires that where a pupil has been absent for a continuous period of 15 school days (authorised or unauthorised) we assess whether we need to step in and provide education ourselves.
To prevent a school from having to make 2 separate alerts on the 10th or 15th day of absence we have created a new e-form that must be submitted to us on day 15 of continuous absence. When we receive the alert, we will assess whether the child meets the criteria for us to step in and provide Section 19 Education under the ‘Otherwise’ category, or advise a school that it take another form of action. If you have taken any of the following actions you do not need to make this alert. A referral to either the Medical Needs Service, your School Attendance Officer (not a Penalty Notice request) or have made a Child Missing Education referral.
We will only provide education under the ‘Otherwise’ category if we assess that it is not possible for a child to receive a suitable education at their current school.
When we receive the alert, we will check that a school has looked at all other reasonable alternatives for providing the pupil with a suitable and full-time education which is likely to include alternatives such as changes to the timetable where appropriate and/or the provision of an alternative curriculum.
Where we do have to step in and support it is likely that we will request the school provides the appropriate level of AWPU funding for the period of time we've taken responsibility for the pupil's education.
Please contact your School Attendance Officer or access.inclusion@centralbedfordshire.gov.uk if you would like further support or advice.