EHA forms and information
Early Help Assessment Guidelines and Example
These guidelines have been produced to support you in completing a Community Early Help Assessment.
Early Help Review Guide and Example
These guidelines have been produced to support you in completing a Community Early Help Review.
The Community Early Help Assessment (EHA) is a standardised approach to assess the needs of a child or young person, identifying how these needs can be supported.
Once completed, the Community EHA will serve as a useful way to share information and to track and review the progress of a child or young person. The Community EHA form should be used by practitioners in all agencies who work with children, young people and their families and have been trained in its use.
It is recommended that a meeting is held after 6-8 weeks, or sooner if required, to review the Community EHA actions identified.
This meeting is known as a Team Around the Child (TAC) Meeting as all professionals supporting the child/young person and parents/carers are invited to attend.
Please complete a Community Early Help Assessment Review document after each TAC and send to the Early Help Team.